Tuesday 29 May 2012

DAY TWO - morning

This morning we worked with the app called Proloqo2Go.  We developed groups and categories within the program to suit a case study student.  "Sally" was our student.  The process we went through to develop her groups and categories was eye-opening.  It was a fun process to develop this program to individually suit "Sally".  I think including the student in the process would be even better.  Also, including her family, friends, teachers, etc would be very beneficial.  You can definitely get hung up on the little things, like choosing the 'right picture' and giving as many options as possible.  This process was daunting at first, but once we got started, it was all about organizing best for the student.

We needed a plan before we dove into the task.  We found that planning how we will organize "Sally's" individual program really helped us stay on track.  We planned out our main groups first, then what we would have within each groups as our categories.  We wanted to have as many options within each category as we could think of to allow for "Sally" to have freedom to speak on as much as she wanted to.  We also wanted to add as much "conversational comments" as we could, so "Sally" can have relaxed conversations with her friends.

Prologo2Go is an excellent app to assist students with communication needs.  There are a couple students coming to our school next year that need assistive technology to help them communicate on a regular basis, I will be advicing our administration to consider Prologo2Go for these students (if they do not already have it).  It is a pricey app, but it offers a lot to the student who needs assistive technology to communicate for them.

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