Friday, 15 June 2012


Dollar Store shopping!!  :)  We went to the dollar store in search of low-tech AT.  We probably spent WAY too long in the store, but with 2 people who love to shop, what can you expect? 

The first task was to fins 5 things that could be used for low-tech AT.  Here are the 5 I found:

(1) Water Shooter

  • Technology
    • This device can be extended or not to assist with pointing (ex: tapping a smartboard)
    • Students can use it to point on any surface, since it is made of plastic.
    • Since it is made to suck up water, you cannot place anything on the end of it (ex: soft ball) because the air will need to escape for the pointer to lengthen and shorten
  • Student/Personality
    • Students who may benefit from this are students who are smaller and have trouble reaching, student who are need a wheelchair, students who cannot move around easily, etc.
  • Task
    • Student would hold onto the pointer with one hand (or 2) and reach with it to point, tap, etc.  They can lengthen or shorten the pointer by moving the top part up or down. (Students may need assistance with the moving).
  • Milieu
    • school, work, home

(2) Gardening Gloves

  • Technology
    • Glove can be used to assist with grip.
    • Inside of gloves (on palm) has rubber grips
  • Student/Personality
    • Students who may benefit are students who have trouble holding onto objects, may have a disability that involves shaking and/or weakness of the hands.
  • Task
    • Student would put the gloves on (of course in their favourite colour and print) to help them carry, hold onto, pass objects.
    • This could increase what the student can do, by allowing them to help pass things out in class, for example.
  • Milieu
    • school, work, home, out in the community, shopping, etc.

(3) Magic Clay

  • Technology
    • This play clay can be used to many different things, like: help stick things together, help students exercise their hands while playing with it, create soft corners for objects, etc.
  • Student/Personality
    • Students who would benefit are student who may need to exercise their hands (ex: physical therapy), help stick objects down (ex: plate), and/or students who need to have a softer play area (ex: putting on pointed corners).
  • Task
    • See above for ideas for the tasks of this object.
  • Milieu
    • school, work, home, community, physiotherapy, etc.

(4) Ash Tray

  • Technology
    • This ash tray has a hole on the top and 3 slots around the edge of the top.  It is enclosed, so whatever is inside cannot spill out.
  • Student/Personality
    • Students who may benefit from this are students who may only have use of one hand/arm, or for students who may be unsteady when using their hands/arms.
  • Task
    • Students can fill this ash tray with paint (of any colour) and use it to help them with not spilling the paint, holding the paint brush while not painting (slots).  It can also be used for glitter glue, regular glue - something that may need to be brushed on.
  • Milieu
    • school, home, community

(5) Handled Baskets

  • Technology
    • Baskets can be used to hold objects and with the handle, pass things around.  They are tall enough so many things would not spill out.
  • Student/Personality
    • Students who would benefit from the baskets are students who like to be involved and want to help pass out things to the class, but may not be able to hold on to the objects (ex: papers, coloured pencils/crayons/markers, scissors, etc)
  • Task
    • Have student help pass things out to the class by placing the objects in the baskets for him/her.  If the student can grasp the handle, they can use the handle to carry the basket around to his/her classmates.  If they cannot grasp the handle, they can hold the basket on their lap while other students came to them, or carry the basket on their lap while using his/her wheelchair.
  • Milieu
    • school, home, community, work, church (collection, bulletins), etc

Our second task was to create our own low-tech AT.  Here is what we came up with:



We created a modified paint brush set. We used popsicle trays and added large fruit-shaped balls to the ends that allow for easier grasping. On the ends of the stick, we placed foam pieces cut into various designs/shapes. Paint would be placed into the receptacles.


This modified paint brush set would be best suited for students who have difficulty with fine motor skills and those who find it difficult to grasp a smaller handled paint brush. It is designed for students who do not have a well developed pincer grasp and who may use a fist or four-fingered grip.

This set was created to support students who are artistic and appreciate the access to various brush types and colors, but need support with manual dexterity.


To build INDEPENDENCE when painting and/or creating artwork. Students are better able to access paint (glue, glitter, etc.) with better control of the paint brush. The large ball at the end allows for this comfort and accessibility. The creations painted/made by students will be a more accurate reflection of their artistic vision when they can control the instrument more precisely.


The tray can be used at HOME, SCHOOL, during EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITES, etc. The tray can be rinsed out and the brushes can be washed out and/or replaced if needed. Various things can be placed in the receptacles, such as paint, glue, glitter, soap, etc.

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