DAY SIX - Presentations!!
1. Michelle
- Pic Collage and Pocket Pond
- It is so great that he is taking the initiative to seek out something to calm him down!
- Pic Collage and other apps will be good for him in the future (ex: projects, assignments, etc)
- It is unfortunate that he can't get assessments done for "diagnosis" so he can get exactly what he needs - may allow him to be more calm with strategies he can learn to use.
2. Adelle
- iPad
- I like the concept of not using the iPad as a reward
- Apps like: Unblock Me, Rush Hour, Busy Harbour
- Then apps: Pic Collage, Camera and video, Book Creator, Puzzles, Photo Booth
- I really like how you put yourself out there to introduce the apps to Jay
- I also like the "tiny" steps you do with him
- Very interesting! You're so funny, I love listening to you :)
3. Kari
- Asus Tablet to work on personal info and sight words
- Whiteboard app: knew his last name and address and phone within 2 weeks
- Hand Writing Without Tears app:I WANT THIS APP FOR MY SON :)
- WOW, big difference with sight words!
- Nice that he was increasing his confidence as well
4. Heather
- iPad
- used text to speech to read from the internet and then copy and paste for notes (for reference)
- Dragon Dictation and Typ-O: it is great that he is willing to try these apps!
- GREAT RESULTS! That must have made him feel good.
- iPod for him to take to the middle school is fantastic!
5. Amy Sargent
- iPhone and iPod
- wants to get away from paper/pencil
- Apps: ABC Tracing, ABC Magic, Sound Sorting Beginning Sounds
- Wanted to keep him motivated over the summer months for starting school in September
- Needed a prompt to know where to start tracing letters
- Motivation increased and is going to continue working with the apps
- Student was very proud
- I love these apps - my son is 4 and would love them!
6. Shauna
- uses Kurzweil at home, but doesn't like to use it in front of people
- iPad
- Dragon Dictation: very quick to email what you did in the app to your email
- It helped with detail in her writing and no more repetition
- Good app when you're able to get the wireless.
- It is too bad that there isn't a spot where she can go to use it
7. Jeff
- writing is minimal verbal is MUCH more
- does not interact with many people socially, except girlfriend and teachers
- Inspiration App on iPad
- iPad was used previously as a distraction (ex: search the web) - want to use it as educational
- when used inspiration - most work he has done
- Student found it easier, meaningful, creative
- VERY interesting feedback from student!! It is great that the app allowed him the opportunity to express his thoughts and creativity
8. Rebecca
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- doesn't know how to interact with others who he is not comfortable with
- iPad
- he found it easy to use (with prompting)
- ABC Pocket Phonics, Book Creator, Tell Me About it, Word BINGO, Visual Timer
- BIG improvements with using these apps!
- Awesome that you got a friend involved with his social story
- HE IS TOO CUTE :) I loved seeing the videos
- great that the EA is going to use the apps and iPad next year
9. Anne
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- non-verbal
- using iPad to "distract" - hasn't had the time to learn to use iPad
- moved and agitated a lot now
- Book Creator - social stories
- Jigaw Puzzles, Disney, Doodle - loved
- It would be interesting to find out more after he has used iCommunicate
10. Alana
- organizational charts - he helped to make
- Sit and Fit Cushion - not a fan of it but uses it sometimes
- fidget toys are his favourite
- Laptop - when he uses his laptop he rarely needs his fidget toys
- Co-Writer
- Comic Life - note taking
- Kidspiration
- It is great that he has many things to help him get his energy out!
11. Jenn
- very disorganized, trouble starting
- Google Calendar - for organization
- he didn't like it because it had "too much going on"
- Soishiku - for organization
- he liked this one because it wasn't as busy
- Due to concussion - he wasn't able to use it as much as he could have
- Great idea for MANY students on mine!!!
- TrackClass may be a next step because you can take notes on it
- Evernote, myHomework, etc....other apps to recommend
12. Amy Strong
- CP - mild
- Raz-Kids
- can be used at home, school, anywhere with computer access
- can have it read to him, read himself, take quiz, earn stars for rewards, click on words to get help
- easy to tie in with PM Benchmark reading levels (Active Readers is too high for him)
- Justin really likes the books and program
- I love Raz-Kids!! Moved up 4 levels of reading, WOW!!
13. Janna
- Verbal LD and ADHD
- Tools4Students - various graphic organizers
- gFlash - flash cards and quizzes
- online videos, pictures, and YouTube for support
- GoogleMaps - help with anxiety to know that she can find her way back home
- It's too bad that you weren't tutoring her earlier, but great tools for her organization!
- Love her drawings!
14. Jillian
- Developmental Delay
- Split up from family - foster care with Grandmother
- Toca-Boca app - expressive/receptive language (series of apps - engaging)
- Book Creator app - writing prompts, attention/focus
- Screenshots of Toca Boca and using them for writing prompts
- She seems so interesting!! Very excited to use the apps!!
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